Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A confession of sorts

I have realized it has been a very, very, VERY long time since I've even thought about going back to POF. Obviously, like most folks, I have a life outside the internet world, and I've been a very busy guy. I simply forget to come back often to check messages and update the blog. Besides, if I don't go to POF any more, then I can't talk shit about it, right?
I have a confession-- I have not been on a date or have had sex in two years. I've just been a little TOO busy to date. At least one point of "internet dating" has been it is a way for those folks like me who stay busy or don't get out much away from work can meet someone. Well obviously that hasn't worked for me, and I've used POF for five years. So, eventually I've tried other places to meet folks-- Meet Me, FetLife, and so on, and I found the same tired bullshit there as well. So, I just quit trying altogether.
It isn't that I'm not interested in meeting someone new, but quite frankly, I don't have the time nor the desire to put so much effort into sifting through a sea full of catfish, tuna, and sharks to find the right person. A long time ago, I actually felt that I needed someone to love me to feel self-worth. POF is a good way to harden your heart, as the constant rejection I faced there desensitized me to the pain of rejection. Online dating became akin to working as an email spammer. That is why you ladies get lots of emails that say nothing more than "hi/ U R sexy." Why write an elaborate, personalized message just to get no response? After a while, I went through the motions without the emotions. I did write more than Hi, but it was still a copypasta letter.
And so, I drifted away and never came back. I rather like peace, quiet, and solitude anyways. And you know what? I'm not heartbroken over being alone. In fact, I found I'm enjoying life more without that constant reminder that I'm alone. POF tried hard to tempt me to come back. I still got emails claiming so-and-so wants to meet me. I also got emails from the millions of other bullshit services offering hates with "hot women." Whatever. Even the foreign scam artists posing as hot ladies (you know, the emails where the woman's name in the email and in the address don't match) bombarded me with offers. I just yawn and send them al to the Spam folders.
Will I ever go back to POF? To be honest, I doubt I ever will. What does that mean for this blog? Who knows? It was never my intent to become the next internet sensation; this blog was just a place to blow off steam and entertain a few folks. But you never know. I could go back and try again, get pissed off, and come back and rant some more. But for now, I have no official plans to go back.


  1. Today I googled "Plenty of Fish Blog". My hope was to find something consoling to read after another failed go round at trying to find a decent man on POF. Your post is exactly how I feel and couldn't have worded it better myself.

  2. The frustration is equal among both genders, I'm sure, though being a man, I can only really speak from a male viewpoint.

    At the least I hope you find my blog entertaining.
