Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Elliot Rodger's Manifesto and prostitition

"Humanity… All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women.
It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species. All I ever wanted was to fit
in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence
of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing
the value in me." -- Elliot Rodger

I almost have to wonder if that guy who went crazy after being rejected so much and went on a killing spree ever tried POF. If you care to read his 100+ plus page manifesto, you can read it here:

We should be thankful so few of us feel rejection is painful enough to take up arms and hurt others. Rejection hurts. Who HASN'T felt the pain of rejection at some point in our lives? (If you haven't, you're either dead, psychopathic, or both). I have felt it too. However, I just come to my blog and piss and moan, then I go back to the real world and go on with my life. Hell, I don't even bother coming here until I experience a POF disaster.

So today, I reactivated my account and in like 5 minutes, I had a bite. I wrote a cute, funny profile. She sent a message about being "intrigued" but I had no pic. So I sent one. And she blocked me. Reeeeee-JECTED! either I take shitty selfies or I guess she didn't find me all that. No matter, she was 100 miles away. (I see POF still hasn't fixed the site to note that "local" does not mean every metropolitan area in 3 states, but I digress.)

So what did I do? I came here. This manifesto is sad, really. We put so much emphasis on the need to be in a relationship, or, more specifically, to be sexual. It is fine for you ladies to be virgins, but men are pressured to be sexual. Still, there are many things you can do besides shoot people just because some woman won't fuck you.

There's always USA Sex Guide. You can find lots of lonely single ladies and for only $50-$300 per hour, you can go on a date you know will end in sex. Think about it. ALL dating is prostitution. You pay for dinner and a movie, maybe flowers and jewelry and gas and trips and food and cards and other stupid trinkets, and then she leads you on and on and on. Damn, if all you want is sex, why pay for the wine-and-dine when you can dine at the Y? And best of all, no rejection? These chicks bang ugly old dudes who need to OD on Viagra to get it on, so they'll fuck you too.
If only Elliot had bought a "working woman" instead of a gun, we'd have a few less senseless killings. I say legalize prostitution!

Later, y'all.

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