Thursday, June 26, 2014

Groundhog Day

Does anyone remember the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day? It was a great movie. If you haven't seen it, then the plot is simple-- a man wakes up every day to the exact same day over and over again until he does everything right and he finally escapes the time loop.

I discovered POF back in 2010, so I have been going to that site off and one for an entire Presidential term. I have been coming to this blog to post random rants about POF for about a year now to blow off steam at my online frustrations. Like many of you, I start a new profile, keep it up a while, leave in frustration, and return after a few weeks or months and try again. I see mostly the same faces when I return. Every day, we sift through the same pretentious profiles full of "sweet" and "lovable" women who want men who are "secure" (READ: Rich), "generous" (READ: Who will support them financially) and someone not looking for a one night stand (of course, they hope to never have to put out at all, unless you have a lot of money, and even then, it is just enough to get you hooked, then they stop once they get a wedding ring).

Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result each time. I must be a fucking idiot. Y'all must be, too.

Yes, I went back to POF about a month ago and got rejected like the Miami Heat did in this year's NBA Finals (so much for those 7 rings, LeBron). What do I see? The same tired fucking people.

Profile #1 reads she is "New to Miami" (Not Miami FloriDUH, I mean that other Miami. In Ohio. Yes, there is a Miami in Ohio.) She is cute, although she looks like Snooki from Jersey Shore. I'm sure she's an OK gal in real life. But her profile is just the same as I saw it TWO years ago! How long is one "new" to anywhere?

Profile #2's tag line is "Amuse me." I honestly think this is what most women are there for. They want us to play the "jester" role. I spoke with this gal before and, without getting into too many details, she was in a bad relationship so she was just there to disappoint potential suitors. Well, after leaving POF for half a year and returning, she's still there, so apparently she has gotten addicted to disappointing men.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I see I am not the only one frustrated with POF. Check out these other articles I found:

How many women on POF have these tendencies?

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